The Puget Sound Coast Artillery Museum at Fort Worden.
Coast Artillery Museum at Fort Worden is located in Building 201 next to the State Park Office in Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend Washington. When you enter the Park turn right at the 4 way stop, the Museum is in the third barracks building on your left. Parking is across the street. There is handicapped access at the rear of the building, to get to it go straight at the 4 way stop (instead of right) and take the next right on the one way road. The Museum will be the third building on the right.
Mailing Address:
Puget Sound Coast Artillery Museum
200 Battery Way, Building 201
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Street Address:
Puget Sound Coast Artillery Museum
Building 201, Fort Worden
Port Townsend, WA.
(360) 385-0373
You may also contact us by <email>